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Ancré de Sea

by Kendra Mittermeyer and Anna Mae Gordon 

Friday, February 19, 2021   7PM ET

Saturday, February 20, 2021  7PM ET

Cast and Crew

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RHS Winter Play Board 2.jpg
RHS Winter Play Board 3.jpg
RHS Winter Play Board 3.jpg
RHS Winter Play Board 3.jpg
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Ancre Playbill cover only.jpg

Behind the Scenes Preview


To the Cast and Crews of both RHS shows from your adoring fans . . . 

Break a leg!!! Sending love to all!  - Mrs. Basile



Congratulations to all! So excited to be able to see the show!  - Mrs. Litt


I continue to be so impressed with RHS productions and THANK YOU to the cast and crew for safely putting on this production and bringing joy to the neighborhood. - Nadya Antoniades

Congratulations to the cast and crew! Know that the hard work you've put into these shows is so appreciated. I'm so proud of your dedication to theatre through everything these times have put us through and I'm beyond excited to watch.  - Kate F.

Huge accomplishment in unprecedented times! Can’t wait to see the show! - Owen G

It takes a lot of courage to make these productions possible despite the pandemic we are going through. Feel proud of yourself. It is a great accomplishment. - Mrs. Huitron

Can’t wait to see what you all have done!! - Mr. Munson

Bravo!! - Mrs. DeMeo

Congrats Andie and cast and crew on your hard work and participation on Ancre De Sea! Having a Virtual show is not what any of us would have expected, but we are so excited to see you in this new light! Bravo! - The Kiernan Family

Congratulations! The Show Must Go On! - Deborah Carlson

Looking forward to the shows. I played in pit orchestra for RHS shows over 40 years ago! - Debbie Perry

Break a Leg !!! - Christy Llanos


Hello from two RHS alumni, can't wait to see what you've all come up with! Break a leg! - Jessica Rowe



Congratulations to cast and crew! Quite an accomplishment, and we are all very proud of you! - The Joyce Family


Break a leg Liam and Audrey! - The Steager Family


So wonderful that you’ve found a way to still perform this year! Thank you for being willing to share your talents with the Town. Congratulations and Break a Leg! - Su Constentino



So excited to see your work! Thank you for your perseverance and resilience during these difficult times. Thank you for continuing to create art and magic! - Patti Boutilier



Break a Leg!! - Dianne Schnee


Break a Leg!! - Maggie Meriweather


Break a leg, everyone!! So happy that RHS can still perform during this difficult time .... Enjoy!

- Gina Maira


Break a leg everyone! Love The RTB!

I'm the playwright of Nothing Good Happens After Midnight! I'm so excited to watch your performance of my play! Break a leg to the cast & crew! - Laurie Allen

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